EASILY access the world's largest structured economic dataset

The problem

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes vast datasets about the strength of the American economy on a regular basis. This data is made publicly available however, getting a clear grasp on the meaning of that data is not easy.

Would you prefer to access the data via API or raw data?


A better option

Rather than going down that path, gain dynamic access to a pre-built dynamic dashboard that displays the output of the content you are after including data around productivity, employment and inflation.

BLS API Overview

Feel free to build your own dashboard using the BLS API enablement page. It will take some time but you can learn more about it with the link below. But we have already done the work for you.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

- Benjamin Franklin

Included within

We have curated the most used BLS data for your consumption.

a close up of a window with a building in the background
a close up of a window with a building in the background
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Write a short text about your service. Highlight key benefits for potential clients.

Employment Figures

See the latest employment, jobs, and turnover figures in a flexible, easy to use format.

Got a question? Interested in early access?

We’d love to hear from you. Use the form to the right to start getting quicker access to key BLS data.